
DNA characteristics

a. DNA is DNA from the polymerization of monomer polymer.
b. DNA called single-nucleotide of each ODN composed of three parts: a member of nitrogenous base + member of the five carbon sugar (deoxyribose) + member of the phosphate, DNA from C, H, O, N, P composed of five elements.
c. DNA containing the base can be divided into four categories: G (Guanine), thymine (Thymine), adenine (Adenine), cytosine (Cytosine)
d. DNA base pairs of four nitrogen-containing species-specific composition. That is, four nitrogen-containing bases in the proportion of species with different individuals is the same, but different species, there are differences.
e. DNA of four nitrogen-containing bases with a ratio of strange regularity, each in the DNA of organisms A (adenine ODN) = T (thymine ODN) C (cytosine nucleoside - Acid) = G (guanine-nucleotide). A and T hydrogen bonds between the two connected, C and G-linked bond between the three.

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