
Junk DNA

Yeast and worms like how simple biological evolution for birds and mammals such complex biological ones? A genome extensive comparative study shows that the answer may be hidden in junk DNA organisms (DNA) in. U.S. scientists found that the more complex biological, and its junk DNA to carry more, but rather they not have the code "useless" DNA help of higher evolution of a complex organism.
Since the first eukaryotes - from yeast to the human nucleus of the biological - the genome has been deciphered, scientists have wanted to know why the majority of biological DNA does not form a useful gene. From protection to chromosome mutation of the support structure for the so-called junk DNA may be the explanation of many species. But last year, from humans, mice and rats who received exactly the same garbage on the DNA findings show that this region may contain an important adjustment mechanism in order to be able to control the basis of biochemical reactions and the development process, This will help the evolution of more complex organisms. And simple eukaryotes, more complex biological gene mutation does not occur the fact that no doubt greatly strengthened this discovery.
In order for this problem have a better understanding of the United States by the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) calculation biologist David Haussler of the leadership of a study group of vertebrates 5 -, mice, rats , Chicken and the Blowfish - the junk DNA sequences and 4 types of insects, worms and two 7 junk DNA sequence of yeast were compared. The researchers compared the results obtained from a surprising pattern: The more complex biological, it seems that the more important junk DNA.
This implied the possibility that if different kinds of biological have the same DNA, then the DNA must be used to solve some key issues. Yeast and vertebrates share a certain amount of DNA, after all, they need to create proteins, but only 15% of the total DNA has nothing to do with genes. In the study group on July 14 of "Genome Research," Journal online reported that they would yeast and more complex worms are compared, which is a multi-cell organisms, have found that 40% of the total DNA was not Coding. Subsequently, the researchers also insects and invertebrates were compared, the worm is more complex than the biological and found that more than 66% of the total did not include DNA-encoded DNA.
The study involved in the work of the UCSC biologist Adam Siepel calculated that the worm's findings need to be treated carefully, because scientists have only two genomes were analyzed. Even so, Siepel still believe that this discovery strongly supports such a theory, that is, insects and invertebrates of the biological complexity of the increase was mainly due to the delicate pattern of gene regulation.

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